Tuesday, 11 December 2012

The Flipside

Its when you become numb that pain feels like a prick!
Its when you gain your patience that you stop the chasing and wait to be chased.
Its only when your pencil breaks that you imagine your drawings.
Its when you love deeply but its not reciprocated in the same portion,
              that you feel love is never fair;  its just a feeling.
Its when your tears dry up that you let it go.
Its when the clouds become heavy that umbrellas get an appreciation.
Its when you begin to dance that the beat settles in.
Its when darkness fills your space that you appreciate light. 
Its when you become sick that you appreciate good health.
You know that second that you look back and doubt …what you saw!!!
And there is that moment that you smile and give thanks for what is, was and is to come.
The flip side of life is both a reality and a mirage….
 We all experience everything, then make a choice. 

Friday, 2 November 2012

Baby steps...Now two years!

It’s been two years since we started this pilgrimage.
We pledged our lives to true love.
To nurture and care for that small flickering flame wallowing in us.
Now my love wears a silver ring with an obsidian setting;
As a sign of my commitment!
Today I celebrate Mine-own-self better half.
My Number-one and only super-love!!!
I Love you, sana sana!!

Friday, 28 September 2012

This World

This world!!
This world speaks of many things!!
At the corner I stare and listen.
They speak of fun, merry and party.
With hands up they dance and party.
“Get a life," they shout at me.
In dimly lit floors acts are done.
Music becomes  instrumental in the pursuit of earthly pleasure.
Dance-hall, reggae, rock and riddim influence the mass.

This world!!
This world whispers many things.
In the dark alley I stare and listen.
“F*** b ***h,” the young lady shouts!
“I Love you” the husband lies.
Lies blind only for a while.
Our piggy-greedy-politicians incite citizens.
The Police solicit for bribes in broad daylight.

This world!!
This world muzzles many cries.
I see her…she is guilty for aborting.
Guilt burdens her tinny world.
That working class lady in heels smiles but cries inside.
This man drowns himself in alcohol hoping it will all go away.
A child sobs his parents are going through a divorce.
My friend lost her mum to cancer.
Daily we all lose love ones to this menace.
Hope keeps us aloft in this trying moments.

This world!!
This world fuels and breeds all forms of Evil.
My friend Juma went Pro he is now a Con 'artist'.
William is submerged in the world of porn!
Michelle is gay, so is Michael. 
Bob drinks like an Irish-fish.
Claire is a Mid-night 'whole-seller' at Koinange St.

This world!!
This world is full of inevitable contrast.
While I  smile, someone else where is crying.
While I breathe, someone else where is gasping for air.
This is the inevitable of existence.
The indirectly proportions in the cycle of life.
Laughter and cry come to all.

This world!!
This world faces trials, tribulations and hardships daily.
We wish for a better life instead of praying.
Call and He will answer [Jere 33:3]
When we make an effort and meet Jesus.
He gives us peace that transcends our human understanding.
Our debt was paid in full lets not forget that!
Let us trust in the Lord with all our heart,
Acknowledging Him in all our ways,
And he shall direct our paths.
It's a sick world, and Jesus is the Cure!!

Thursday, 13 September 2012

XY...then Z-Generation

It’s the 21st Century.
The global village is amidst us.
Kindergartens replace nurseries.
Chat-rooms replace Class-rooms.
The internet becomes a big fuss.
Our world becomes 'Richer'.
Life is made 'complicated'.
Celebrities dictate our culture;
Media gives handouts for lifestyle.
Like atoms art fuse with science;
Societies are born and culture is re-invented.
Social status are created while a class is born.
The Bourgeoisie-capitalist gives value to everything.
Insurance Companies rob us and still play god.
Masters perfect their craft;
Slaves dehydrate their hopes.
Firms are established.
Business contracts are signed.
Shares are redeemed.
Dividends are paid in full.
Cash flows in liquidity.
Price tags seem valueless.
Everything is given a Monetary value.
This generation fights because of different Ideology.
Religion, Science, Philosophy and Wealth causes tension.
The once shared sense of Humanity is Old-fashioned.
Rebels allover have waged war!!
This is the XY...then Z-Generation.

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Social Misfit!

Am a social misfit!
I look at my world from a poetic angle.
With a poetic touch I make everything sound sweet.
In strong adjectives I describe my angels.
I write not because I can write really well.
I only write because I fear regretting why I didn’t write!
So my actions countervail my fear.
Fear for not living my life to the fullest.

Am a social misfit!
In millions way I re-write the daily spectacle.
Tinny little sounds are captured in verses.
Words turn a mere breaking of bread into a banquet.
With simple phrases a humbled life is purpose driven.
Am a social misfit!
Like a flowing river;
Words pop-out in poetic flow.
Like water fall;
Words fall in continuous threads.
They dwindle and form moulds.
Trickles of molten meanings overflow from the pot.
On a three stoned cooker spice and aroma merge sparingly.
Literature boils inside a clay pot.
With words I trace my ancestral oral literature.

Am a social misfit!
Words make my molecular structure.
My brain bleeds metaphors, phrases and rhymes.
My heart pops-out sonnets, ballads and limericks.
My mouth spits out lyrics.

Am a social misfit!
Like a feather words float on my writings.
Imagination color my paper and inspires my ink.
I see voices of artistic expressions.
I hear colors of poetic revelations.
My heart beats in sync with a dramatic accent.
The world watches as i paint its shadow.
I guess....i am a social misfit!

Thursday, 9 August 2012

Our Wall-unit!!

You know the things that remain attached to your family for long;
well, we had a piece of antic that had a place in our child hood.
it was placed in the family's sanctuary, 'the living room'
The 'living room' had no attractive paint work and no pictures at all.
Nothing artistic was on display.
the walls were unprofessionally painted in white
three sofas surrounded a bluish structure which seemed like a coffee table
facing the big spacious sofa was the work of a Carpenter;
It was a Wall unit that had been well crafted in fine pine and gloss furnish.
It housed a 14' international TV set in one of its closures
On a glass plane display was fine Chinese and English ceramic products.
Each compartment was like an alter for placing a sacrifice.
It was a sanctuary for Valuables.
Mum's Panasonic radio and various local gospel tapes had their niche.
I remember getting a whooping for messing with one of her favorite tapes.
Before i forget, there was an important item which occupied the compartment beside the TV
A brown King James translation Bible.
This was a present from uncle-Japheth to my Dad.
The golden pages had long faded and its genuine brown leather cover had wrinkles.
This book was familiar to us all....
We read it carefully, earnestly and lovingly.
Within its pages was the fountain of truth and life.
I remember the nights we used to spend reading it during our family devotion.
Among other items in the wall unit was our family Album;
Dolls from Disneyland were placed 'artistically',
I remember the contribution of my stickers to the overall 'artistic' look.
The wall unit was our epitome for artistic collection.
I miss those days!!!