Friday, 26 August 2011


Love hits randomly;
From above and below.
Cuts through thin and thick.
Lights-up a damp match stick.
Darkens darkness with light.
Love brings the peasants and the kings together.
It tickles the sad,
Turns upside down upright.
Like a shoulder less snake it penetrates beyond.
Dried river-bed overflow.
Broken wells are watered.
Love paints the world with a thick brush.
Stars startle and wink.
Love makes people marvel of the chemistry.
It makes humble beginnings an inventory.
Turns words into emotional symbols.
Love gives poetry a meaning and a reason.

Saturday, 20 August 2011


Keep Quiet!
Be still, listen…
Listen to the silent Hymns.
Rhythms of solitude; cries of solace and love.
Listen careful;
Murmurs of sweet nothings.
Just be still.
Respond to the voiceless rhymes.
Let the soundless atmosphere embrace your eardrum.
Feel the touch of inarticulate gesture.
Concentrate and hear….
The waves of soundless symphony.
Mum the fusion of orchestra exhibition.
Keep quiet …be still. Don’t even blink!!
Listen …listen to the reticent cacophony of Vacuum.
Appreciate the Quietude!!!

Monday, 15 August 2011

He calls me son!

His word is a lamp to my feet,
And a light for my path.
Lord, you have brighten my days
and sparkled my stay.
You help me see past this dirt and clay.
Wide and  deep you open your gates and show me the way.
I have no tribute nor pay,
Yet still you light-up my way.
Your sufficient grace you freely give.
Abundant Love i freely receive.
Your Word synchronize my play.
My world you have graced.
with finer things than GOLD & DIAMOND
You have pimped  my space,
You feel me with joy, love & hope.
My imperfections you equate with elegance,
Lord you give my heart its pace.
With every embrace i keep you closer.
Your promises i claim Forever.
I am a child of GOD.

Monday, 1 August 2011

The WatchTower

I look and i see....
Brother and Sisters harden their hearts.
They speak to me with evil intent.
With a tinted soul they sing Hosanna,
With an ill-motive they fast and pray.
They believe but do not forgive.
In golden cords and velvet ribbons believers are yoked with unbelievers.
Sin is served like delicacies!
With an adventurous spirit we indulge and fall.
Sin wraps us with pleasures.
It comes with a 'blessing' in quotes because it stings to death!!
Like a baby in a mothers hands it weans and satisfy the flesh.
For a moment it sustains, but yet it fills us with tonnes of emptiness.
With gentle hugs it entangles us with a fleshly passion.
Brothers sing "standing on the promise...", yet we laze and sleep on it.
Sisters sing of redemption songs yet they cling onto sin with hooks.
Faithful brothers and  sisters do not read and show me faces.
You who is Spiritual restore us.
Help them reconstruct.
My Friend judge not but pray for me, them and all of us!
"For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God..."